Are you a freedom-loving mom who questions the status quo?

It's time to free yourself from the rules of others



NOW Is The Right Time

To Take Action?

Many of us KNOW the system is not in our favor. If you don't, it's time you know the truth. Learn how the system has been set up to control EVERYTHING about our lives and what you can do about it. Learn powerful solutions and tools to help you blast limitations out of the water...and stand on the land and fly in air.

Ready to feel peace no matter what is going on? I'm here to help!

Every NOW and then you have to ask yourself.....

What IF?

🌟 What could stand in confidence in front of perceived authority?

🌟What did not have those pesky emotional triggers anymore?

🌟What just saw through the illusion of bs that has been used to "keep everyone in line" and can pull back the veil of deception?

🌟What were able to crumble the walls of corruption with support of a team of like minded crusaders?
hat were finally able to FEEL free?

Tis c
This course isn't a luxury-it's a necessity! isn't a luxury-it's a necessity!

Break out of the systems that no longer serve you. Now is the time to take control of your life, reclaim your rights, ignite your power and THRIVE! This is an eye-opening, powerful movement for all MANKIND!

The Course That Will Change Everything

You Think You Know!

You will learn the essential "Keys to Living in Divine Law" and the importance of speaking up to align with your values, morals, integrity to secure freedom for yourself and loved ones.

In this world of overreaching government players, where Superior God given Rights are dishonored, and being stripped away, there comes a time when Spirit calls you forward to walk a path of self-determination, to honor and uphold the
Rights that perpetuate and protect life and freedom.

Many are unaware that our local and global systems are ensnared by contracts and commercial dominance. This hidden in plain sight system limits our freedoms and choices, unknowingly consuming our Rights and property, including our sons and daughters.

Our mission is to provide you with information to help educate and empower you to break these spells and reclaim your sovereignty courageously and with conviction to protect and secure your freedom.

Learn to embody the true inner standing of what it means to live in the private vs public domain.

Reclaim Your Power & Enjoy More
Freedom, Fun, and Fulfillment, NOW!

This course is divinely designed to empower your mind and the way you perceive life will never be the same. You will leap from the unknown.... to an inner knowing of truth.

Are you ready to successfully navigate the obstacle course of Life and get the results you desire?

🌟 Declare your Rights, so that you can protect yourself and family;

🌟 Step into your power with authority and authenticity;

🌟 Reclaim your purpose and mission to align with your soul values;

🌟 Advocate your worth to yourself and others, you are worthy!

🌟 Break free from doubts, fears, false beliefs, and become a magnet for prosperity, wealth and opportunity;

🌟 Assert your boundaries in all relationships with grace and integrity, to attract like minded, caring, and compassionate relationships.

🌟 Learn from real life success examples to help you stand up to authority with honor.

🌟 Transcend your mind to support results that align with your purpose;

🌟Gain new perspectives on old outdated paradigms and leap forward, quickly!



Your Trainer

Kathleen: Acker, alive woman

Kathleen is a Freedompreneur, author, and bold coach known for taking on some of the largest bullies on the planet—including Big Pharma giants. As a Whistleblower who stood up against corruption and fought for rights, she brings a wealth of knowledge in sovereignty, contracts, and personal empowerment.

With her understanding of contracts, she helps clients unravel the hidden traps of legalese, reclaim their rights, and protect themselves and their families from government and corporate overreach. Her experience in navigating the matrix of deceit and uncovering the truth makes her uniquely equipped to guide others in breaking free from limiting paradigms.

Her mission is to empower and inspire a global movement of conscious world changers who courageously claim their sovereignty, rise above fear, and live boldly with purpose and authenticity.

It's time to own your clear "No" and your clear "Yes.

Transform the way you "play" life...
You have within you the ability to do extraordinary things and create a difference in your life and the lives of others. To achieve that ability, you must be willing to change your perspective. When you begin to view life as a Game, it generates a significant change in the way you perceive the world around you, your impact on it, and how you can transform the way you play.

This book is about inspiring people like yourself to raise their consciousness and knowledge about The Game of Life that is at play right now whether we are aware or not. We’ll talk about having the courage to question your core be.LIE.f's, modify or stop old behaviors, release past traumas, and cultivate a willingness to let go and step into your true power.

Course Details:

This 12 plus hour course is run live online over several half days. Change is required and what you do matters. Now, is the time to make the commitment to BE THE CHANGE YOU DESIRE TO SEE & HELP CREATE A BETTER WORLD.


Course Includes:

🌟 Courses - priceless information over a $2222.00 value for $555 this month;

🌟 Live Zoom Calls, recorded to watch and reference over time;

🌟 Launching is Oct 22, 2024: @ 2-5 pm Eastern/11 am-2pm Pacific ;

🌟 1 year membership included: Play The Game of Life platform - $77.70 /month value - lives, templates, content and Q& A.

🌟 Includes one-to-one call with Kathleen for 45 minutes; value $333.00

🌟Discounts on services, give away's and much more within the course.

🌟 On going access to your trainers, share success with other members and be a part of conscious world changers.

Reclaim your personal power so you can enjoy more

freedom, fulfillment and fun.

WHAT WOULD IT BE WORTH .............

To not have triggers that keep you stuck in the mud of past regrets, disappointment and rubbish?

To let go of anger, fear, doubt and how would that change your life?

To have the Power to shift the structure of our world and change it for the better?

To feel safe and help others stand in their power?

To establish a solid foundation of transformational mindset that allows you to release the gold mind within?

To stand up to perceived authority and hold them accountable?

Learn how to declare your rights

by creating your own private member association

I am known as the 'Freedom.preneur' because I empower clients to see life differently, teaching the basic's of contracts (spiritual or physical), to use discernment, and how to claim your Rights. Learn easy, fast solutions to uphold your law, establish boundaries and live authentically. Transcend to a mindset of higher consciousness, and abundance paradigm. Enhance your power in standing up to authority with conviction, compassion, courage and clarity.


Enough of the bs, it's your duty to be the Queen/King you are meant to be!

I invite you to join us and unlock your voice and step into your soul purpose.

Welcome to Your New Beginning and New You!

Contact Me

Lawful Foundation for Life & Business 101

Terms and privacy are below, this is for those of mankind. All actions are like kind with mankind only

Disclaimer: The Game of Life 101 ‘GOL’, Thy Lawful Remedies ‘TLR’, hosted by, woman, Kathleen, alive, only contracts with those of mankind. All mankind that assist or provide information herein, do not provide legal advice. All information presented herein is intended for entertainment purposes, sparking thoughtful thought of various potential solutions. It is advised to seek legal, tax, or financial advice from those in the matrix of those respective professions. All content by woman, Kathleen; GOL or TLR; is private and designed for general thinking, entertainment and should not be considered legal advice for any specific legal situations. All interactions are to be known as private, and are stated now, and to be treated as ‘PRIVATE’ acting in private as one of mankind, govern by superior law of Creator, based upon Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, with the powers of earth with reference to Bible living, and is confidential. By accessing any content, the man or woman reading this does agree to these terms as law. If man or woman reading this does not agree, kindly leave, exit now and delete any and all email or other correspondence as all is private for those of mankind only and all actions of ill will by any of mankind, any entity, citizen, resident, title role of an actor; is revoked, prohibited, rejected, and any contract that can be provided is rescinded now. If the man or woman reading this accepts these terms, and law feel free to privately contact via social media, sign up for calls or course or receive freebie via email for information or questions, acting in private under these terms and law at all times; not responsible for any outcomes or experiences the man or woman participating may have as a result of choosing to follow any suggestions posted on this website, the services or information provided. Please use discernment in making any choices that may affect self as living man or woman, thy family, personally, or otherwise.

All communication is ‘PRIVATE’, and only those of mankind are allowed, if not in private communication is silence and consent of acceptance, nothing can be heard if not of mankind. There is no consent or acceptance of any third-party monitoring of any kind; assumption and presumption legal does not exist in this realm; course, coaching, website or any other communication herein. Rights are protected by superior law and stand firmly in land of living, air of equity and walking on water of maritime systems. Again, not attorney/lawyer/accountant - go hire one if you want advice. Kathleen is one heck of a great inspirational coach. Thanks for reading