Are you a Trailblazer who questions the status quo?

It's time to free yourself from the rules of others



Are you a freedom-loving mom who questions the status quo?

It's time to free yourself from the rules of others

Coaching Thing

Different verbage here

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Short, actionable steps you can take today, to bring in the spiritual, emotional & physical changes you seek.

  • Start each day with intention

  • Accomplish more with less

  • Discover the greatness within you

  • ​CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to receive your free E-book

Embark on a journey of transformation to celebrate a NEW YOU.

🌟 Expressing your word and establishing your law

🌟 Cultivating peace, alleviating conflict and contention

🌟 Asserting your inherent power and upholding your rights

🌟 Living authentically and sync in with your soul alignment

🌟 Confidently speak your truth with compassion

🌟 Stand up to authority to protect your Rights and honor your soul's purpose

🌟 Live in alignment with your true self, Creator and values


You are only one decision away from transforming your life forever

Learn how to declare your God given rights

by creating your own private member association

I am known as the "Contract Sage" because I empower and consult to see life differently, to be able to read with comprehension and discernment contracts, how and when to apply God given Rights. I give those of mankind easy, fast solutions by helping establish their law, establish boundaries and set up their own private member association, providing mindset and communication tools to stand up to authority with conviction, compassion, courage and clarity. So, they can speak up, take a stand in their power and live authentically in 10 weeks.

Check out the below statement of my private member Association to get inspired

by what you can create for yourself

Thy Lawful Remedies, by and through, woman; Kathleen; stands as a private member association, hereinafter "PMA" dedicated to disseminating knowledge of Divine law vs maritime legal principles, education, experiences, techniques, methods, and pathways for navigating the realms of private and public existence. Becoming a Member is extended to those of mankind who join with integrity and formally signify their agreement through autographing a member agreement.

The PMA guides Members through the principles of self-governance by illuminating the concealed yet inherent Laws of Nature and Nature's God. As articulated in the Declaration of Independence, the boundless powers of the earth await discovery, poised for Members utilization an for the betterment of mankind.

PMA serves as a beacon, awakening the dormant greatness within Members and igniting the luminous essence of each Members potential and mission. Through PMA teachings, Members craft a strategic Game Plan aimed at fostering a world of integrity, devoid of harm, and overflowing with abundant love.

PMA serves as a conscientious awareness of the profound influence wielded by spoken words and serves as a gateway to profound advancement along the path to enlightenment, tranquility, lucidity, and prosperity. By truly comprehending this inherent power, Members restore equilibrium within their self and in the world at large. With purposeful intent, Members stand firmly within Members law and express their law with both effectiveness and a heart brimming with compassion.

Thy Lawful Remedies, The Game of Life, hosted by woman, Kathleen - who is not an attorney, lawyer, judge of law, or accountant; and does not give legal or tax advice, or legal opinion (EVER). No content, services should ever be considered as advice or opinion for legal/tax. All actions, service, information, experience and all other, is for entertainment purpose only. You are encouraged to question the status quo, to use discernment, to research and be the king by asking. All Members, and you reading this, are mindfully aware and confirm woman, Kathleen (Kathleen Acker Ramsey) is NOT an attorney/lawyer or tax account!!!

And so it is, so help me God!



I used to search for meaning to life, something that makes me want to jump out of bed each day. I was in a drifter mindset. I felt unfilled - limited - overwhelmed - stressed - doing my best to keep my head/spirit up. I knew something was missing.

I wanted to feel alive, joyful, safe, independent, financially secure, and healthy, to have meaning and purpose to get out of bed excited to start each day. I asked myself “What can I add or change to my life that would make everything more fulfilling and be happier? More meaningful?” I wanted to be Inspired.

By defining what inspires me, I felt invigorated, joyful, safe and motivated. I immediately saw life differently and realized there is more to life than meets the physical eye. By asking myself a simple question, it was a game changer.

If I can be in a state of inspiration, it's absolute YES!!! If I feel uninspired, that is a - NO (by the way, no is a complete sentence).

My life transformed by making a decision based on inspiration.

You are not born to fit in, YOU ARE BORN TO STAND OUT & BE THE CHANGE

Get the courage and tools you need to say how you feel right now.

I will help you secure your future to create

a healthier and happier life.

Transform the way you "play" life...
You have within you the ability to do extraordinary things and create a difference in your life and the lives of others. To achieve that ability, you must be willing to change your perspective. When you begin to view life as a Game, it generates a significant change in the way you perceive the world around you, your impact on it, and how you can transform the way you play.

This book is about inspiring people like yourself to raise their consciousness and knowledge about The Game of Life that is at play right now whether we are aware or not. We’ll talk about having the courage to question your core be.LIE.f's, modify or stop old behaviors, release past traumas, and cultivate a willingness to let go and step into your true power.


By Kathleen Acker Ramsey

Are you feeling stuck, anxious, or just plain defeated by where you are in life? Do you wish you had a cheat sheet for building the future of your dreams? The Game of Life contains all the tools you need to see the world and your part in it from a different perspective. This book allows you to build a doable plan filled with imagination and vision, a plan that will help you be more successful in everything you do.

In "The Game of Life: Redefining Your Be.LIE.fs and Discovering Your True Power

Be ready for a transformative journey to uncover the hidden truths of their existence and unleash the greatness within you and your purpose. This book offers a roadmap for breaking free from the shackles of limiting beliefs and stepping into a life of empowerment, purpose, joy and abundance.

"The Game of Life" isn't just a book; it's a catalyst for personal evolution and spiritual awakening. With each chapter, readers are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the depths of their psyche, unlocking hidden potentials, and aligning with their true purpose. Through practical exercises, transformative insights, and profound revelations, readers will learn to harness the power of their thoughts, emotions, and actions to manifest their deepest desires and create a life of fulfillment and joy.

Whether you're seeking clarity, purpose, or simply a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, "The Game of Life" offers a roadmap for navigating life's challenges and unlocking the secrets to true happiness and abundance. It's time to redefine your beliefs, reclaim your power, and embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

Available NOW! "A must read for everyone" Order Your Copy Today! Click below.

For orders in the USA only, click below.

🔑 Unlock Your Potential: Embrace life with joy

You have within you the ability to do extraordinary things and create a difference in your life and the lives of others. When you begin to view life as a Game, it generates a significant change in the way you perceive the world around you, your impact on it, and how you can transform the way you play.

Join countless empowered, extraordinary women who celebrate their accomplishments, healing past, gaining financial growth, and living an inspired purposeful life.

* Align your work-life balance to match your passions

* Transform your wellness with natural products (ask me how)

* Create a secure future by speaking your truth & living in purpose

Contact Me

Disclaimer: The Game of Life 101 ‘GOL’, Thy Lawful Remedies ‘TLR’, and or, woman, Kathleen, living and any of mankind that assist or provide information herein, do not provide legal advice. All information presented herein is intended for entertainment purposes, sparking thoughtful thought of various potential solutions. It is advised to seek legal, tax, or financial advice from those in the matrix of those respective professions. All content by woman, Kathleen; GOL or TLR; is private and designed for general thinking, entertainment and should not be considered legal advice for any specific legal situations. All interactions are to be known as private, and are stated now, and to be treated as ‘PRIVATE’ acting in private as one of mankind, govern by superior law of Creator, based upon Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, with the powers of earth with reference to Bible living, and is confidential. By accessing any content, the man or woman reading this does agree to these terms as law. If man or woman reading this does not agree, kindly leave, exit now and delete any and all email or other correspondence as all is private for those of mankind only and all actions of ill will by any of mankind, any entity, citizen, resident, title role of an actor; is revoked, prohibited, rejected, and any contract that can be provided is rescinded now. If the man or woman reading this accepts these terms, and law feel free to privately contact via social media, sign up for calls or course or receive freebie via email for information or questions, acting in private under these terms and law at all times; not responsible for any outcomes or experiences the man or woman participating may have as a result of choosing to follow any suggestions posted on this website, the services or information provided. Please use discernment in making any choices that may affect self as living man or woman, thy family, personally, or otherwise.

All communication is ‘PRIVATE’, and only those of mankind are allowed, if not in private communication is silence and consent of acceptance, nothing can be heard if not of mankind. There is no consent or acceptance of any third-party monitoring of any kind; assumption and presumption legal does not exist in this realm; course, coaching, website or any other communication herein. Rights are protected by superior law and stand firmly in land of living, air of equity and walking on water of maritime systems. Again, not attorney/lawyer/accountant - go hire one if you want advice. Kathleen is one heck of a great inspirational coach. Thanks for reading