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Transformative Community
A properly-formed Private Membership Association (PMA), operating outside the public domain, can guarantee freedom of assembly and speech under the First amendments, Article III, 13th (not 14th) Amendment U.S. Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and more importantly living souls can only contract with living souls aka wo/men with wo/men, never ever can a living soul wo/man ever contract with any entity (mortgage, government actors, title roles.....). To wield control over any entity/title, one can become the controlling trustee member of a PMA. The associations have a 90%+ win rate when fighting victimless crimes. Knowing you are not the NAME (placenta, product extracted from mother as defined in "Live Birth" in all state constitutions, and not a record stored with the state or Vatican, you are alive not fictitious).
For example, a PMA was used by Hardcore Barbell, a gym out of Hazel Dell, WA to stay open during the COVID-19 pandemic despite virtually every other business having to close. The local Sheriff even knew not to bother them because they had a sign that said something like, "Private Membership Association - Members Only". This type of association can be a perfect fit for professionals, businesses, or any entity that needs to avoid similar restrictive laws. PMAs allow for the avoidance of public laws that do not actually prevent any harm / torts from arising, known as victimless crimes. This occurs because every client signs an agreement to become a Member of the PMA, thus entering a private contract, a hold-harmless agreement, and other afforded protections.
Another examples: States cannot restrict cathouses, drug or alcohol laws (e.g. dry counties cannot restrict sale to private members in a building), lockdown laws (e.g. laws cannot restrict normal business), medical laws (e.g. laws cannot restrict use of natural, osteopathic, or alternative treatments that members have agreed to participate in), or even maintain privacy of business and financial affairs (e.g. any natural rights are respected).
NOTE 1: A PMA can be used in-union with all of our other programs. The Private Irrevocable Express Non-Statutory Trust itself can be customized to act like a PMA too, and offers all the protections needed for virtually every business category. Having layers of protection from public such as holding companies is a strategy that might be useful as living in private expands and communities are built to reclaim our Rights and hold all bad actors accountable for their actions in their title roles.
NOTE 2: Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803) and Thomas v Collins, 323 U.S. 516 (1945) are the cited U.S. Supreme Court cases protecting the right of Private Membership Associations.
Let's get you started on building your life and business in the private, NOW!!!
1. What is a Private Member Association (Assembly) Agreement?
A PMA is a contractual agreement among living souls’ man and or woman who come together to exercise their rights; all rights, like: unalienable, natural rights and God-given; within a private realm. Operating outside of public jurisdiction, a PMA provides its members the freedom to engage in activities, services, or commerce without unnecessary interference from government regulations. By creating a private forum, PMAs allow mankind to secure their rights to freedom of association, expression, and self-governance.
2. Why is a PMA Useful?
a. Preserves living souls Rights: A PMA protects its members' ability to operate without the constraints of public law, ensuring activities remain aligned with their values and principles.
b. Mitigates Government Overreach: It serves as a buffer against intrusive policies and regulations that may infringe on personal freedoms.
c. Fosters Sovereignty and Privacy: PMAs create a safe space for members to collaborate and thrive while remaining shielded from external pressures.
d. Governance: Members establish their rules and codes of conduct, allowing them to tailor the association to their needs.
3. Why Must a PMA Have Members?
A PMA exists as a private group of living souls coming together with a shared purpose or faith, such as offering food, health remedies, frequency healing, philosophy, or faith ministry. Being a Member is fundamental because it establishes the private realm. Members share a common belief in the sovereignty of natural rights, protected by Natural Law and Nature’s God, as referenced in the Declaration of Independence, Magna Carta, The Rights of Mankind, and similar foundational documents. By operating in this private space, the PMA stands outside the jurisdiction of public laws and regulations that govern corporations, nations, and states. These foundational texts affirm that inherent rights are granted by Nature’s God, standing above any corporate or governmental entity.
A. The Role of the 14th Amendment: I do not rely on the 14th Amendment to conduct business because it does not recognize the inherent sovereignty of living souls. Instead, it was crafted to bind “individuals” / “persons” into a system of servitude.
🌟Definitions Matter: Terms such as "person," "citizen," and "live birth" in public law reduce living souls to entities devoid of spiritual essence.
🌟Higher Jurisdictions: By standing in the jurisdiction of Natural Law (break words up to see the hidden in plain sight: jurisdiction - juris = oath; diction = spoken = spoken oath, know what your standing, venue and jurisdiction means, feels like and acts like and know you are "I am that I am and I am sent me"), in private mankind operates as living souls, not as enslaved "persons" under public law. The 13th Amendment formalized slavery in public contexts, while the 14th amendment created a framework for legal servitude.
B. The Declaration of Independence as the Cornerstone: The Declaration of Independence is the foundation for protecting mankind’s sovereignty within a PMA. It asserts the self-evident truth that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights. These rights—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—form the framework for operating in the private realm, free from government overreach and corporate interference.
In contrast, documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights often employ legalese and trickery that bind individuals into a system of implied consent under public jurisdiction (lots of trickery in this document to "appear" good). These frameworks are designed to control rather than liberate. My video explains why I do not support or reference this document. Instead, I draw upon the Declaration of Independence to empower living souls to reclaim their inherent sovereignty.
4. Understanding Privacy - Public vs. Private Realms:
To comprehend privacy, we must first examine its opposite: the public arena.
Public Realm:
🌟 Controlled by Regulations and external Authority: In the public arena, entities such as medical labs, hospitals, and insurance companies operate under federal, state, and local regulations (codes and policy change with the wind). These businesses function as soulless entities, not as living souls, and are subject to policies that often conflict with sovereignty and rights to self-govern. And your NAME is an entity under government control, you are NOT your NAME, you are NOT a product, you are a living being - know and claim Rights)
🌟 Waiver of Rights: Public entities function under government oversight, where individuals (look at definition of individuals in constitutions and other places it is soulless entity and without knowledge mankind who is not mindfully aware they are not a NAME become "sub"ject to be control by another with a fictitious title) implicitly waive their rights by consenting to public regulation. By engaging in the public realm, persons/individuals implicitly waive their natural rights, consenting to oversight and restrictions. For example, HIPAA provides limited privacy protections while maintaining governmental access to personal health information.
🌟 Slave to the System: The public system promotes dependency, compliance, and control, prioritizing the interests of corporations and governments over individual; includes person, citizen, student, parent (pair that rents), licensee, live birth products and any other title; well-being. By operating as “soulless entities,” individuals and businesses in the public arena submit to these regulations.
Private Realm:
🌟 Sovereignty and Accountability: Governed by Natural Laws the private realm recognizes the sovereignty of living souls who stand in higher jurisdictions under Natural Law. Here, contracts are formed between equals (man to man like kind contract rules).
🌟 Conscious Action: Private members are mindful and accountable on a soul level, operating with compassion, honor, and the principle of "Do No Harm."
🌟 Self-Governance: Members create and uphold their rules, offering remedies, natural cures, chemical-free foods, and faith-based solutions for well-being.
🌟 Boundaries and Responsibility: One man's sovereignty ends where another's begins. Private mankind acts with integrity, recognizing that contracts—spiritual and binding—govern all interactions.
🌟 Freedom to Offer Remedies: In the private realm, mankind can share natural remedies, chemical-free foods, faith-based education, and holistic solutions without interference from public entities.
5. Why PMAs Are a Path to Freedom?
A PMA empowers its members to reclaim their sovereignty and self-govern without requiring permission from public authorities. However, members must remain mindful of when they "dip their toes" into the public realm. Contracts designed for protection are essential to maintaining the private status of the PMA.
6. Accountability in the Private Realm:
Living in the private requires conscious awareness of the following principles:
A. All Contracts Are Spiritual and Binding: Drafting or consenting to contracts without input is equivalent to surrendering your sovereignty. KNOW YOUR PMA. When someone else (e.g., an attorney) controls your contract, you are allowing their frequency, intentions, and influence into your life. (Repent the sin/error – clean up the contracts signed that bind you). In the private realm, contracts between living souls are sacred and enforceable. Allowing someone else to draft your contracts without your input is an act of submission, effectively consenting to their control over your affairs.
B. Responsibility and Remedies: The PMA establishes laws and remedies for any trespass or wrong done by a member, ensuring that the group remains self-regulated and accountable. This ensures that accountability remains within the group, free from external interference.
Example: Public vs. Private Remedies
🌟 Public Realm: Natural remedies may be prohibited or regulated, with individuals treated as test subjects for commercial products. Obama passed a law that a manufacturer who "modifies" a product then owns that modified version. Live Birth aka Certificate of Live Birth is a NAME and by definition a product extracted from mother. When you are born the after birth, placenta, is given away by mom and a "record" is created as that is an "asset" with value. Then the soul/sole foot print is "captured" and pricked to match the blood of the living soul baby. That Live birth is not a living soul, the Certificate creates an entity - NAME but you are NOT a NAME.
🌟 Private Realm: Members share natural remedies, align with principles of balance and frequency, and prioritize healing through conscious thought, energy, and action. Man or woman conscious awareness of breathing, flesh, blood, living souls and operate with knowing the difference of who I am is and is not.
7. Why Choose a PMA?
By understanding the distinctions between public and private, you reclaim your inherent sovereignty. Operating within a PMA allows you to build a community of like-minded souls who honor natural laws, self-governance, and accountability. With guidance from someone experienced in both the private and public realms, you can confidently navigate your path to freedom from government overreach.
8. Why You Should Choose Thy Lawful Remedies in Establishing and Running Your PMA?
With host, kathleen, living soul’s unique blend of expertise in contracts, standing up boldly to bad actors, and real-world experience, the process is tailored with personal guidance to help you create, launch, and manage a successful PMA. Here's are the benefits:
🌟 Establishing Your PMA Framework: Drafting clear, lawfully sound foundational documents to ensure your PMA's goals and operations are protected.
🌟 Ongoing Guidance: Helping you navigate challenges and maintain compliance with private law principles.
🌟 Conflict Resolution: Drawing on my courtroom experience, host, kathleen provides strategies to safeguard your PMA from disputes or unwarranted interference.
🌟 Educational Resources: Equipping you with templates, techniques, and practical tools to empower your leadership and member growth.
🌟 Frequency: you put your touch, wisdom, words and frequency into your PMA, not someone else who drafts it for you with no input from you. It is imperative that you have fully comprehension of your PMA.
Added benefits: Host, kathleen does not just teach this; she lives and walks it daily. Her credentials include:
🌟 Expert Contract Strategist: Reviewed, redline, drafted, negotiated 1,000’s of contracts in corporate realm for real estate, manufacturing, drug discovery and big p.HARM.a, plus apply over 200 successful lawful notices leading to policy changes, having leaders step down and creating a wave of change within and without.
🌟 Proven Advocate: Standing up to Pfizer, judges, cops, and others while maintaining integrity and impact.
🌟 Practical Success in the Private Side: Real-world application of private laws, including court experience and effective advocacy.
🌟 Commitment to Freedom: I embody the principles I teach, empowering others to do the same with confidence, compassion, and clarity.
Pause and breath and take a moment and visualize ... what/how do I want my life to: feel, look, relationships, career, fun, lifestyle, car, house, location, travel, who are my friends and whatever else (visualize)?
What is holding me back from obtaining my vision?
What is it costing me to not be living this now?
If I keep doing what I am doing, will I look back and regret not taking action?
Who else benefits by my living life authentically?
What is it worth to me?
Now, the question is: Are you ready to put in the effort to be the change you desire to see?
If HELL YEAH - book your free clarity call - I look forward to talking with you.
Click the Target to book a call, NOW!